About Me

I've always loved good food. That's what I want this site to celebrate is really good food. To me really good food means food that is good for you too. Good-for-you food includes protein, fats, vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds--that's what I've found on my journey to better health. Cut the sugar, the refined carbs, the processed, chemicalized, edible foodlike substances and learn to love real food.

I eat this way because I feel good when I eat real food. I have energy and stamina. And the food tastes amazing too. I want vibrant, good health in my life and so it is really important to me how I feel after I eat.

My impetus for this journey? I've always been the chubby kid, the fat teenager, the obese adult. I, like so many of you, tried every diet I came across. Always on the lookout for THE answer, THE solution, THE prize of being thin. I am losing weight--just in a way I never imagined.

I hope this site is place of celebration and discovery. And that I can share what I've learned in a way that will be helpful to you.


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